# スピード×正確さ

Global Planning is a real estate brokerage company that assists in the sale of properties. With a motto of speed and accuracy, we can facilitate property sales (cash out) in as little as 3 days. We ensure sales that meet the needs of our clients. Our dedicated staff, experienced in various types of properties, including residential and investment properties, will handle your property type with expertise. We actively incorporate web technology, enabling property owners to sell their properties quickly even if they are located far away or overseas. Feel free to consult with us regarding tax matters after the sale.
# 電子契約が可能
When selling property through our brokerage, you can utilize the SMBC Cloud Sign electronic contract service. By using the electronic contract service, as soon as the details of the sale are finalized, you can quickly conclude the real estate sales contract via email. Additionally, when contracting electronically, there is no need for revenue stamps to be affixed to the real estate sales contract, which reduces the expenses associated with the sale and brings satisfaction to our customers. Of course, traditional paper transactions are also available for your peace of mind.
  • 【マンション・戸建て】
    Please feel free to consult with us about any concerns you may have regarding whether a property can sell or not. You can also rely on us for your search for a new home.
  • 投資用不動産売却
  • 【一棟・区分・その他】
    We can sell any type of property nationwide. We can also introduce your property to overseas clients and overseas real estate investment funds. Feel free to consult with us regarding tax matters as well.
  • 空家・相続物件のご相談
  • 【空家・別荘・土地・その他】
    Please entrust us with the sale of vacant properties, unused vacation homes or land, and inherited properties.
  • 不動産コンサルティング
  • お持ちの不動産の運営でお困りの場合、ベストな資産運営・活用方法をご提案させていただきます。お困りのことがございましたらなんでもご相談ください。
    If you're experiencing difficulties managing your real estate assets, we can suggest the best ways to manage and utilize them effectively. Please don't hesitate to consult with us about any issues you may have.
  • リフォーム事業
  • 大切な不動産をリフォームによってバリューアップします。軽度の内装リフォームから大規模な工事まで、不動産価値を高めるリノベーションを行います。ご売却前の室内修繕もおまかせください。売却前に修繕をしておくことで、より高く物件を売却することや、値引きを防ぐことができます。国内はもとより海外メーカの資材・材料も取り扱っています。完全オーダーメードでのご依頼もおまかせください。プランニングから施行まで一貫してお引き受けいたします。


    We enhance the value of your valuable real estate through renovation. From minor interior renovations to large-scale construction, we perform renovations to increase property value. Leave pre-sale interior repairs to us. By repairing before selling, you can sell the property for a higher price and prevent discounts. We handle materials and equipment from both domestic and overseas manufacturers. We also accept fully customized requests. From planning to execution, we will consistently support you.

    Since we purchase materials and equipment in bulk from affiliated businesses, we can offer renovation services at a lower cost compared to other companies. We have a rich inventory and can flexibly adapt to the current shortage of materials, so if you need renovation, please feel free to contact us.
    Global Planning Inc.
    平尾 修一
    Shuichi Hirao
    東京都渋谷区広尾5-19-12 渋谷広尾ビル7F
    Shibuya-Hiro Building 7th floor
    5-19-12 Hiro, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japna
  • ・売買不動産仲介業
    Real estate brokerage business
  • ・リフォーム業
    Renovation business
  • ・不動産コンサルティング業
    Real estate consulting business
  • 【免許・登録】
    宅地建物取引業 東京都知事(1)第103886号
  • ・公益社団法人全国宅地建物取引業保証協会
  • ・公益社団法人東日本不動産流通機構
  • ・公益社団法人首都圏不動産公正取引協議会
  • お問い合わせ
    Make Inquiry